Industrial Light & Magic - At -At
40 years ago talented people from the studio ILM worked on the AT-AT sequence for the movie EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, George Lucas. They introduced a special camera to control the movement and frame by frame created this unique sequence for the Battle of Hoth. My intention to build this research with Lego was to honor this anniversary.
As a filmmaker, I am extremely impressed with the work of people from ILM to achieve the final result in the final version of Empire Strikes Back. When I approached this project. It was very important for me to find the right scale for the model, so as to keep the details to achieve a similar efect. This scale factor was the At -At model. He directed me how the whole studio should look. The first version of At -At was too big to be able to construct the entire studio. That's why I had to reduce the model to even smaller sizes. What I have achieved is my maximum potential, because the smaller models did not look like the original At-At. From that moment on, I could dress for the table design and the rest.
Technic figures quickly fit into the landscape, especially since they come from a snow kit, so the white snow table is not only for them but also very familiar to us enthusiasts.
The next step was to design a motion control camera. While maintaining the details I used the original photos from the ILM from the time of filming Empire Strikes Back, which gave me even more knowledge of how it was there and there was haos. I wanted to capture this disorder in the studio itself, contrasting with the ideal final At-At sequence in the original film. JEst is a bit paradoxical, but is not it mapping to resemble life?
Lego helps me a lot in the work of a film director. They set me the right scale of the project, focus my attention on consistency in the selection of colors and set a certain visual aesthetics. For this model, there was a moment when haos was just too much and I had to rearrange a little.
I am very happy for the large number of comments under the groups in which I added photos of this model. I see that many film fans are very familiar with the iconic images of the creation of the original film and it turns out that they give them the same joy as watching the original Lego models.